Family Systems Work
The Living Arts Foundation sponsors workshops and training programs in Family Systems Work in the tradition of Bert Hellinger.
The Basics of the Family Systems Constellation Work
Consciously and unconsciously, we carry pain and suffering of our living and dead family members.
We take pains on naturally, trying to help the family system in any ways we can. we easily become entangled with the suffering and fates of our lineage, proudly suffer dynamics they lived. Pains we carry for others, transfer into our current identities, our homes and work situations.
When you come to a Systemic Constellation workshop, you set up your own family system. You take representatives from our group to stand for your significant family members who are involved in the issues that plague us. You place these representatives where they belong in relationship to each other. As you create this constellation of your family, you expose the source of the problems that you are entangled in. We are able see whose pain is whose.
With essential words and movements, you are facilitated to untangle from others suffering, while still respecting for their fates. You will feel the love in your own heart for all who have come before, yet free yourself from carrying another’s fate.
With poignant words and movements, you become more courageous and free to more fully enter your own life and future. Healing and strength naturally arise for all in the whole system.
Who Should Attend
Individuals and couples who are seeking help in finding solutions to difficult life situations that have so far proven unsolvable will find new and surprising insights, as well as creative and earthy foundations for new directions in their lives.
Health professionals will find vast opportunities to enrich their practice with highly efficient tools and new learnings about the effect of the family system on behavior, health, and the soul.
Contact Jude for further information and support with this work.