Contact Tom

Contact me for one to one coaching in person or on-line, coaching intensives and retreats, 4 Gateways Coach Training, and coaching, mentoring, and leadership development programs for men. 

I would be pleased to answer any questions you might have about the Inner King Training, 4 Gateways, Radical Soul Care, and Spiritual Eldering retreats for older men.

Contact Jude

Contact me to create a working alliance to explore and develop:

Your body as your ally, for reduced pain, enlivened pleasure, strengthened natural confidence in all situations.

Disentangling  painful Family Dynamics you grew up with, to create new  inner and outer relationships in these situations.

Your inner warrior cultivating mature skills to hold your ground so you may stand clean your personal authority.

Retrieving critical power/understanding/soul direction from missed or negatively lived Thresholds. Reclaim your Rites of Passage.